tirsdag 18. desember 2018

What is the most compelling thing you could tell a climate change denier?

How their denialism is part of a shameful and devastating attack on science in general.
How their submission to a polluters industry who depends on having the public embroiled in doubt and suspicion by degrading the publics confidence in science and scientists, harm America’s future—and the world’s future—so that one of the wealthiest industries on Earth can engorge itself in even more wealth.

It is also scary and striking to see how climate denialism is spreading in nationalist environments. Every nationalist party in Europe now have climate denialism high up their agenda.
It is also scary and striking to see how climate denialism is so strongly connected with xenophobia and conspiracy theories.

Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denialism (CEFORCED)


Michael Barnard's answer to Is climate change denial linked to right wing nationalism?

The War On Science from this administration is shameful and devastating to the United States reputation as a pioneer science nation as well as for the US's further ability to develop new technology mankind needs to progress .

Anti science attitudes and policies actively hurt science's ability to do great things. The "Best and the Brightest" no longer come to US universities to study or do research, because there is simply too little funding of the sciences.

Its become tribal. Often its enough for the polluters to label environmental laws for “tax scams”, and their tribe will have another reason to hate the government (which in reality wants to protects its citizens from pollutions).


Journalist Charles P. Pierce, Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free :"
The rise of idiot America today represents - for profit mainly, but also and more cynically, for political advantage in the pursuit of power - the breakdown of a consensus that the pursuit of knowledge is a good. It also represents the ascendancy of the notion that the people whom we should trust the least are the people who best know what they are talking about. In the new media age, everybody is an expert."

Richard Hofstadter, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1964 for his book, Anti-Intellectualism In American Life, describes

“how the vast underlying foundations of anti-elite, anti-reason and anti-science have been infused into America's political and social fabric.”

Tom Nichols’ bok, “The Death of Expertise:

“The culture and our educational system have created a generation that has little experience being told they are objectively wrong. Everyone feels they are entitled to be right. Combine this with the illusion of knowledge provided by Google, and everyone thinks they are their own expert in anything.”

Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Why is opposition to climate science more common in the United States than other countries?

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