1. Did NASA claim the planets temperature will plummet?
As a Siberian city endures temperatures of -50 C, (-58 deg F) NASA claim whole global temperature about to plummet in a matter of months
2. Are radical Environmentalists To Blame For California’s Wildfires
No, radical Environmentalists Are NOT To Blame For California’s Wildfires:
"The president’s assertion that California’s forest management policies are to blame for catastrophic wildfire is dangerously wrong," California Professional Firefighters President Brian K. Rice said in a statement on Saturday.
"Wildfires are sparked and spread not only in forested areas but in populated areas and open fields fueled by parched vegetation, high winds, low humidity and geography," he continued in the statement. "Moreover, nearly 60 percent of California forests are under federal management, and another two-thirds under private control. It is the federal government that has chosen to divert resources away from forest management, not California.
De fremste ekspertene, The US Forest Service, er tydelige på at klimaendringene forårsaker brannene:
Here in our National Forests and Grasslands, these shifts include:
More frequent wildfires that burn larger areas
More severe problems with insects, pests, and diseases threatening trees and crops
Snowpack decline in mountainous regions due to decreased snowfall and shorter winters
Plant and animal ranges shifting northward to accommodate warmer temperatures
Threatened watersheds due to more frequent water shortages, increased pest and fire severity, and shifts in ecosystem health
Den beste fagfellevurderte litteraturen finner det samme:
"There is very well documented scientific evidence that climate change has been increasing the length of the fire season, the size of the area burned each year and the number of wildfires.
Greenhouse gas emissions, via the greenhouse effect, are causing the global temperature to increase and the climate to change. This enhances the likelihood of wildfires.
Because warmer temperatures increase evaporation, which means the atmosphere draws more moisture from soils, making the land drier.
A warmer climate also leads to earlier snowmelt, which causes soils to be drier for longer. And dry soils become more susceptible to fire.
"The areas where wildfires are taking place are always areas that [have become] drier and hotter, and where spring has come earlier," said Funk.
Drier conditions and higher temperatures increase not only the likelihood of a wildfire to occur, but also the duration and the severity of the wildfire. Wildfires are typically either started accidentally by humans - such as a burning cigarette carelessly tossed out of a window - or by natural causes like lightning.
At total brentareal går ned motstrider ikke det faktum at global oppvarming forårsaker flere branner.
Organisasjonen som for øyeblikket er ansvarlig for å presentere amerikansk brannhistorikk-statistikk, er National Interagency Fire Center. Og deres ekvivalente tabell viser data tilbake til 1960, noe som stort sett stemmer når det overlapper de gamle folketallene til 1970. Men de går heller ikke lenger tilbake. Dessuten påpeker de:
"Prior to 1983, sources of these figures are not known, or cannot be confirmed, and were not derived from the current situation reporting process. As a result the figures above prior to 1983 shouldn't be compared to later data."
At total brentareal går ned har ingenting å gjøre med at global oppvarming IKKE skjer;
At total brentareal går ned, er hovedsakelig på grunn av menneskelige aktiviteter, Det handler om avskoging, økte avlinger og befolkningsøkning.
Det blir simpelthen mindre og mindre skog igjen som kan brenne.
"In our study, human impact was identified as the primary factor accounting for the declining trend in global fire activity, which reduced global burned area"
Grafen viser at mindre skog brenner, men det motbeviser altså ikke at flere branner forårsakes av global oppvarming/klimaendringer, sammen med andre faktorer.
Det er og verdt å nevne at i 1905 ble US Forest Service etablert, noe som betydde et mye mer avansert brannvesen. Og i 1936 kom Fire Management Today Forum med sine holdningskampanjer etc. Disse to tingene hadde selvsagt mye å si for at totalt brennareal og antall branner gikk ned. Men de siste 50 år har trenden snudd pga global oppvarming. All forskning viser dette.
Her er grafen som er relevant og som viser dette:
Here's how to respond to those misleading posts claiming our recent fires are all about tree huggers preventing logging and a supposed fuel build up via past fire suppression.
"For those few devastating fires that were near forests, all of those forests around the communities destroyed had the kind of suggested thinning and fuel treatments misinformed commentators claim didn't exist"
Så alle disse fornekterteoriene om logging og fuel, eller for å sitere artikkelen "radical environmental policies which prohibit the proper trimming of forests and brush have created a literal tinder box just waiting to ignite",
er altså bare tøys.
For de som måtte være interessert, her er fakta:
1. Most of California's most devastating fires were far from any forest (see map below).
2. For those few devastating fires that were near forests, all of those forests around the communities destroyed had the kind of suggested thinning and fuel treatments misinformed commentators claim didn't exist.
3. Much of the area around Paradise that burned in the Camp Fire had burned 10 years ago, had been salvage logged, and was composed of habitats other than forest (e.g. post fire shrublands). The wind-driven ember rain that destroyed the town came primarily from open grassland/post fire/mixed woodland environments northeast of the town. A large percentage of the trees within the devastated town did not burn. See the fire progression map here and match it with the current view on Google Earth:
4. Climate change is drying the state. Dryer conditions lead to a more flammable landscape. We may see more of the kind of winds that powered the Camp Fire into Paradise. More fires will dramatically alter the kinds of habitats we are used to seeing. Non-native weed filled landscapes that dominate places like Riverside County will likely become more common. More on this issue here:
It is more than discouraging when someone claims our wildfires are all about forests, dead trees, lack of logging, or unnatural fuel build up via past fire suppression. Such claims are a disservice to the families who have lost so much and hamper our efforts to solve the problem.
What is it about? Flammable homes and communities located on flammable terrain.
What is it about? Flammable homes and communities located on flammable terrain.
Please see our solutions in our letter to Governor Brown below.
Here is a well-researched article on the Woolsey Fire from the LA Times:
Here's how to protect your home from wildfire:
Here's our information flyer on external sprinklers:
Here's why Governor Brown and the California State Legislature failed us - they ignored the real problem:
Here are the most devastating wildfires in California to November 17, 2018 (fire, structures burned, fatalities):
Fires 2017-2018
Camp/12,263/71 (as of 11/17/2018)*
Tubbs/ 5636/ 22
Redwood/ 546 / 9
Carr/ 1599/ 8
Atlas/ 783/ 6
Nuns/ 1355/ 3
Woolsey/500+/3 (as of 11/17/2018)
Thomas/ 1063/ 2
Ferguson/ 131/ 2
Mendocino/ 277/ 1
Previous devastating fires prior to 2017 where losses were also unrelated to forests and dead trees:
Tunnel (1991)/ 2900 /25
Cedar (2003)/ 2820/ 15
Harris (2007)/ 548/ 8
Old (2003)/ 1003/ 6
Witch Creek (2007)/ 1650/ 2
Butte (2015)/ 921/ 2
Jones (1999)/ 954/ 1
Paint (1990)/ 641/ 1
Significant forested area involved, but not seriously impacted by dead trees:
Valley (2015)/ 1955/ 4
*Camp Fire involved forest within the fire perimeter, but most of the area within/near the devastated town of Paradise was a mix of habitats.
"The central conclusion of the study — that oceans are retaining ever more energy as more heat is being trapped within Earth’s climate system each year — is in line with other studies that have drawn similar conclusions. And it hasn’t changed much despite the errors."
"What the errors don't invalidate is the central finding of the paper—that the earth's oceans are absorbing heat—or its groundbreaking method of assessing the ocean's temperature by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide and oxygen gases it releases as it warms."
The man behind the criticism has blown the matter completely out of all the propositions
Nicholas Lewis
is described as an “independent scientist.” That alone should raise suspicions, since real scientists do not tend to work alone. It is also noteworthy that he is not described as a climate scientist. That is because he is not. He is a semiretired financier from England. He does have a degree in mathematics with a minor in physics. He has no real background in climate science. In short, he is just another amateur global warming denier often quoted by the global warming denier misinformation industry.
An error was spotted, acknowledged, and quickly corrected. That's how science works.
The work is interesting and very broadly consistent with estimates of heat uptake derived by other methods, but whether the authors' analysis and conclusions will be accepted by oceanographers and climate scientists using more direct measures of ocean heat content change (such as ocean temperature probes and sea level altimetry) remains to be seen.
There is still a strong convergence of evidence for AGW and warmer oceans:
Paul Durack, a research scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, said promptly acknowledging the errors in the study “is the right approach in the interests of transparency.”
But he added in an email, “This study, although there are additional questions that are arising now, confirms the long known result that the oceans have been warming over the observed record, and the rate of warming has been increasing,” he said
"The revised uncertainties preclude drawing any strong conclusions with respect to climate sensitivity or carbon budgets based on the APO method alone, but they still lend support for the implications of the recent upwards revisions in OHC relative to IPCC AR5 based on hydrographic and Argo measurements."
We owe the authors thanks for both exemplary candor and their prompt corrigendum.
Their result remains an important one.
This is how science is supposed to work. You publish an analysis, share how you did it, and other workers independently critique it and/or try to replicate the analysis. When errors are found, they're corrected (in this case with a revised paper). The principle change as a result of this error is an increase in the uncertainty rather than a large change in the calculated rate of heating. There are other studies of ocean heat content increases using different methods that arrive at similar conclusions (even with the larger uncertainty). The energy equivalents, even at the low range of the uncertainty, are over 70 million Hiroshimas *per year* added. At the high range, it's over 300 million Little Boys per year. That figure is getting higher each year as we keep strengthening the atmospheric greenhouse.
Washington Post:
4. Alarmists Will NOT Like This Part of the Recently Published U.S. Climate Science Special Report
The US is 2% of the planets surface. Its just not very relevant for GLOBAL warming.
I would recommend reading the entire section for a clearer picture.
Climate Science Special Report: Temperature Changes in the United States
The same report you are linking to said this about GLOBAL warming :
“Based on extensive evidence … it is extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century,”
For the warming over the last century,
“there is no convincing alternative explanation supported by the extent of the observational evidence.”
Climate Science Special Report: Executive Summary
Here is the GLOBAL graph:
GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)
6.The fuel tax increase in France was not a carbon tax. It was just another regular increase in fuel duty which has existed for decades. It was the last straw for many people because it was higher for diesel than petrol. The French governments have been encouraging people to buy diesel cars for years, so this was seen as a betrayal.
Since becoming President Macron has successfully united the country... against him. His policies have annoyed the young, the workers, the civil service, the small business owners, the retired, the left and the right.
He has pleased the wealthy by cutting the wealth tax.
Macron took the wrong approach. I agree that something should be done, but a carbon tax is a solution that does not address the root cause of the problem.
The root cause is consumerism. The demand for goods result in more industries that produce goods and hence more emissions. To address consumerism, our entire species needs a paradigm shift and different tactic.
"The protests began on November 17 with motorists upset over the fuel tax increase, but have grown to encompass a range of complaints — the stagnant economy, social injustice and France’s tax system, one of the highest in Europe — and some now call for the government to resign."
7. Lomborgs false dichotomy.
"With respect to climate change mitigation, Lomborg presents the same false dichotomy in much of his output: there are limited resources, so we must choose between dealing with global warming or what Lomborg has decided are "more important problems". He considers AIDS and other diseases, starvation, malnutrition, and poverty to be more important problems than global warming, yet his framing of the issue treats global warming as a discrete issue, ignoring the fact that it will actually exacerbate the other problems he considers to be more important. Strangely, Lomborg spends most of his time and effort debunking these "unimportant" environmental concerns, writing tendentious books and setting up bullshit forums titled in such a way as to confuse the ignorant — he has done little to nothing to encourage greater spending on what he considers the really great problems. Here's the ultimate irony: if the exact opposite of what he wants occurs (Anthropogenic global warming is given paramount priority, say, like ozone depletion), he'll eventually be able to claim that everything was indeed going to be fine from the start and those Malthusians were just panicking all along! This logical sidestepping is probably worth academic study."
And yes, people DO care:
8. Jordan Peterson:
Her er hva verdens ledende klimaforskere sier om JP:
Michael Mann is a famed and awarded climate scientist. He’s an American climatologist and geophysicist and currently director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University. What does he say about Peterson’s quoted sources?
These are all climate change denial talking points, and the sources are climate change denial organizations such as the GWPF and Richard Lindzen.
“Lindzen long ago discredited himself as a messenger on climate,” Mann told me in an email. “He engages in bad faith tropes rather than legitimate scientific discourse. What makes Lindzen so dangerous as an agent of denial is that he appears to have impressive credentials but his claims about climate change are vacuous and ill-founded. The denial machine relishes the opportunity to launder its denialist rhetoric through the imprimatur of an MIT professor/National Academy member. Lindzen gives them that opportunity.”
Prager U, the producer of the video Peterson tweeted, is a conservative, free-market think tank with a long history of pushing false or misleading information about climate change. (The "U" is designed to make it sound like an academic organization. It is not.) The "expert" in this video is Richard Lindzen, an MIT atmospheric physicist who has made a career of downplaying and nay-saying the causes and dangers of global climate change. While the consensus that climate change is caused by the burning of fossil fuels is near-universal among climate scientists, Lindzen—standing nearly alone in the field—disagrees.
9.Why Nikolov and Zeller's Pressure Claim Violates Basic Physics
10. An ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula
the scientists behind the paper are rebutting climate deniers misrepresenting their study:
"It is unfortunate that my research, "An ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula," recently published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, has been misrepresented by a number of media outlets.
Several of these media articles assert that our study claims the entire Earth heated up during medieval times without human CO2 emissions. We clearly state in our paper that we studied one site at the Antarctic Peninsula. The results should not be extrapolated to make assumptions about climate conditions across the entire globe. Other statements, such as the study "throws doubt on orthodoxies around global warming," completely misrepresent our conclusions.
"Our study does not question the well-established anthropogenic warming trend."
Syracuse University scientist seeks to set the record straight on climate research
11 https://climatefeedback.org/sky-news-australia-airs-false-climate-information-in-misleading-video-by-rowan-dean/?fbclid=IwAR0yTQ2hnqFJaGnuaHTUFEtqfLpl8AJJ3dkVe_tuzqcO3sLJ511X76shcDw
12. The 90 Italian scientists petition nonsense debunked:
It reminds me of creationists petitions.
From what I can see, it was a simple petition and the reasoning included stuff that have already been debunked like that CO2 was not a pollutant. I can only find it on a couple of denier sites like No Trick Zone.
Every Italian scientific body supports the AGW theory. The petition is a fringe cult.
13. The Peter Ridd nonsense debunked:
“Dr Ridd was not sacked because of his scientific views. Dr Ridd was never gagged or silenced about his scientific views, a matter which was admitted during the court hearing.”
James Cook University professor Peter Ridd's sacking ruled unlawful
Great Barrier Reef expert panel says Peter Ridd misrepresenting science
Exclusive: Panel head Ian Chubb compares ‘roadshow of Dr Ridd’ to tobacco industry strategy defending smoking
Great Barrier Reef expert panel says Peter Ridd misrepresenting science
State government-funded managers urge cane farmers to question reef science
Exclusive: Speaking tour by controversial academic Peter Ridd is being supported by sugarcane managers paid for with Queensland government funds
He’s true Heartland. We’re trying to track any direct payment by them or other serious breach of contract with JCU. My meeting with the legal team is tomorrow. I’ll give them all the data so far Also trying to find any link between the Vasta family with mafia. Salvatore senior, Angelo who was a disgraced judge and disgraced son Sal jnr who ruled against the university. Sal’s brother is conservative politician appointed in the Tony Abbott era. On lots of parliamentary committees with IPA buddies. It’s incestuous. The appeal brief won’t allow new evidence about Ridd but aim to discredit the judge. 15 appeals overturned since 2015. He was ordered to take time off for counselling about continuing intimidatory tactics in court. That was a couple of months after Ridd’s trial. His grandfather had passed away only a few months prior as well. Gotta get the judge on political bias, history of inappropriate behaviour and rulings, personal issues and no precedent mentioned in his decision
Peter Ridd funded by IPA Rinehart - Murdoch. Ridd’s mentor and colleague was Bob Carter. Both were at my JCU uni during my tenure. Bad boys. Check him out with the law suit against the uni. It’s BS. Court case being paid by a Rinehart and crowd funding

Yes and influencing gov policy at the top. Sacked from JCU for academic misconduct. Nothing to do with science but the murdochrisy is all about “freedom of speech” to dissent scientific “opinions.” Ridd slandered his boss Terry Hughes who is a world leading reef biologist. Nothing to do with dissenting speech because the same uni awarded Ridd his professorship despite 20 years of denial. The uni’s appeal against Ridd’s $1.2 million compensation. The judge is Sal Vasta ... appointed to the bench by personal friend George Brandis. He is very close to being disbarred just like papa Angelo Vasta from Jph Bjelke Peterson.
Great Barrier Reef world heritage values damaged by climate change, government admits
Report to Unesco by the federal and Queensland governments says key features have deteriorated since reef was listed in 1981.
Great Barrier Reef world heritage values damaged by climate change, government admits
Real science tells us the Great Barrier Reefs are not in a good condition.
Scientists mobilise as bleaching resumes on Great Barrier Reef
During 2015–2016, record temperatures triggered a pan-tropical episode of coral bleaching, the third global-scale event since mass bleaching was first documented in the 1980s. Here we examine how and why the severity of recurrent major bleaching events has varied at multiple scales, using aerial and underwater surveys of Australian reefs combined with satellite-derived sea surface temperatures. The distinctive geographic footprints of recurrent bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef in 1998, 2002 and 2016 were determined by the spatial pattern of sea temperatures in each year. Water quality and fishing pressure had minimal effect on the unprecedented bleaching in 2016, suggesting that local protection of reefs affords little or no resistance to extreme heat. Similarly, past exposure to bleaching in 1998 and 2002 did not lessen the severity of bleaching in 2016. Consequently, immediate global action to curb future warming is essential to secure a future for coral reefs.
Scientists mobilise as bleaching resumes on Great Barrier Reef
Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals
Key points from the study:
- 2015-2016 saw record temperatures that triggered a massive episode of coral bleaching across the tropics
- Coral bleaching events should no longer be thought of as individual disturbances to reefs, but as recurring events that threaten the viability of coral reefs globally
- The Great Barrier Reef has had three major bleaching episodes, in 1998, 2002 and 2016, with the latest being the most severe and with catastrophic levels of bleaching occurring in the northern third of the Reef (a region approximately 800 km or 500 miles in length)
- The amount of bleaching on individual reefs in 2016 was tightly linked to local heat exposure
- The cumulative, superimposed footprint of the three mass bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef has now encompassed virtually all of the Great Barrier Reef
- Past exposure to bleaching in 1998 and 2002 did not lessen the severity of the bleaching in 2016
Ridd was not sacked because of his scientific views. Ridd was never gagged or silenced about his scientific views, a matter which was admitted during the court hearing. “Some have thought that this trial was about freedom of speech and intellectual freedom. Media reports have considered that this trial was about silencing persons with controversial or unpopular views,” Vasta said in his judgement.“Rather, this trial was purely and simply about the proper construction of a clause in an enterprise agreement.”
Ridd's roadshow is just like how tobacco industry defended smoking. Ridd is the rotten egg the polluter industries always looks for. Someone who is willing to become a marionette for blood money. And now the shameful Denial for profit Movement in Australia have their man. Their puppet. Speaking tour by Peter Ridd is being supported by sugarcane managers paid for with Queensland government funds.
The judge who ruled for Ridd is as crocked as catholic priests.
Ridds claims that the barrier Reef is OK is parotting claims from tobacco industry claiming there was no link between smoking and lung cancer. Most comprehensive study on the Barrier Reef concludes its damaged by CC:
Other studies find the same conclusion:
History will punish Ridd and his ilk hard. He sold his soul at the crossroad.
14. False Claims by McIntyre and McKitrick regarding the Mann et al. (1998) reconstruction
[McIntyre and McKitrick have additionally been discredited in a recent peer-reviewed article by Rutherford et al (2004)]
False Claims by McIntyre and McKitrick regarding the Mann et al. (1998) reconstruction
Denier Complaints About Climate Proxies Are Based On Ignorance Of The Science
A proxy, or proxyindicator, is a natural system that leaves a recoverable residue that varies in some measurable or observable way, such that the variation may correspond to a natural variation happening in the world at the time the proxy was being formed. For example, the ratio of Oxygen-16 and Oxygen-18, two stable isotopes of that element, in Oxygen incorporated in stable form (in biogenic tissues, for example) indicates the ratio of these isotopes in the ambient environment, which in turn, indicates the amount of each element available at the time, which in turn, indicates how much of each type of oxygen is trapped in glacial ice (which tends to have more Oxygen-16 because glaciers are ultimately made of vapor, which is isotopically light). Oxygen isotope ratios of materials recovered from deep sea cores indicate the march of glacial formation and melting over long periods of time.
The first of these two objections to Mann's work, and other work, relies on naiveté among potential readers about proxyindicators. As is the case with all scientific data, all proxies are suspect, and all proxies have the potential of varying in sensitivity over time. Scientists must always evaluate the quality of the data they use, and not accept it uncritically.
For example, say you wanted to estimate the flow of a major river over time. You could measure how much silt is deposited on the river's flood plain by taking Carbon-14 samples at numerous depths in the floodplain. A greater depth between samples separated by similar amounts of time might mean more flooding. But, as the flood plain matures and raises in elevation, the frequency of floods year to year may decrease, causing a decline in the rate of siltation, and thus, apparent water flow in relation to the actual water flow. Furthermore, at some point, the flood plain is essentially filled up, and flooding overbank happens elsewhere along the river, and no longer (or infrequently) at your sample site. This is a decline in the usefulness of the proxy to the point that you have to simply stop using it.
Another example. Say you want to use pollen counts form layers found in mud at the bottom of a lake, the layers having been recovered from cores sunk in the lake. Assume your lake is in a region that started out as grassland but slowly became more forested. Trees act as pollen filters. Pollen wafting across the landscape is caught in the trees. In the early part of the lake core data, pollen may be introduced from many kilometers away from wind blown plants (grasses, some trees) and from similar distances from plants that do not distribute pollen via wind, but in small quantities (such plants produce way less pollen than wind pollenated plants) via streams that enter the lake. Over time, however, trees will grow up first around the lake, then over a larger area of the landscape. Windblown pollen from grasses is less likely to get into the pond, and there may be less of that pollen because trees are replacing grassland. Meanwhile, the longer distance stream carried pollen may continue to represent the original catchment of pollen. But, if there are changes in rainfall patterns, that could change too. People looking at pollen in lake cores may use an independent measure, such as the amount of iron in the sediment, to indicate how much water comes in from longer distances via streams vs. how much comes in from groundwater and as direct rain. They will use studies of pollen taphonomy, which look at changes in "pollen rain" as forests develop, to calibrate the effects of trees on the wind blown grass pollen representation. At some point, near the top of the core, the tree pollen may be suddenly and dramatically reduced and the wind blown grass pollen may switch to mostly corn or wheat. This is farmers coming in and completely changing the environment. The core from that point on up may become useless. In sum, the entire core has to be analyzed as a dynamic, changing proxy where some of the changes are important information about the changing environment, while other changes are indicative of an increase or a decline in sensitivity of the proxy as an indicator of what is being studied.
Something similar is going on with the tree ring data Mann used. At around 1960 the ability of the tree ring data to represent regional temperature declines and the tree rings become useless. Prior to that time the data should be used. After that time the data should be discarded.
A proxy is not a pre-calibrated consistent source of information. It is a method that uses measurements of recovered material that allow the reconstruction of an ancient process. But that requires understanding the process well enough to develop a way of determining when the proxy is being helpful and when it is providing noise. A good amount of the research on ancient paleoclimate and paleoecology is about how the proxies work. With this research it is possible in many cases to evaluate the utility of a proxy at a given location, and furthermore, to assess which parts of the proxy can be used, which parts need to be further calibrated, and which parts need to be ignored because of a decline in their usefulness.
We see climate science deniers claiming, for example, that the tree ring proxy used by Mann needs to be used "all or nothing." This is nothing more than ignorance of how paleoclimatology works.
Complaints About The Hockey Stick Graph Are Not Valid
McIntyre's arguments (along with others) about the graph are middle-school level obfuscation of the point. The scientists who published the original Hockey Stick graph went through pains to be clear about what information was going into which part of the overall curve. Subsequent renditions of the same data, or similar sets of data with new information added, range across the board from highly complex constructs showing the different sources of the data, error ranges, etc. to those that simplify by drawing a simple curve of combined information. I wrote about this here, showing how this practice, of sometimes making a very complex thing simpler in a way that makes the point accurately, is done all the time.
The latest post on McIntyre's site, completely misrepresented what happened with the Hockey Stick curve. Nowhere in the quoted emails is there any suggestion or approval or any indication by Michael Mann of seamlessly merging proxyindicator data and instrumental data. The original documents clearly show that this is not what happened at any stage.
"As early as the 1950s, the groups shared scientists and publicists to downplay dangers of smoking and climate change".
16. Misbruket av
La oss sjekke den siste rapporten da vel, slik som er vanlig å gjøre:
“Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have increased since the pre-industrial era, driven largely by economic and population growth, and are now higher than ever. This has led to atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide that are unprecedented in at least the last 800,000 years. Their effects, together with those of other anthropogenic drivers, have been detected throughout the climate system and are extremely likely to have been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.
Why the discrepancy?
There are none. There are two things going on, we are both correct. But my argument is still valid; more C02 is bad for plants and humans.
“The effect stems mainly from ambitious tree planting programs in China and intensive agriculture in both countries.”
Thats because of human actions.
This is whats happening naturally:
“Studies have shown that plants acclimatize, or adjust, to rising carbon dioxide concentration and the fertilization effect diminishes over time.”
Earth Stopped Getting Greener 20 Years Ago
Plant growth has declined drastically around the world due to dry air
The world is gradually becoming less green, scientists have found. Plant growth is declining all over the planet, and new research links the phenomenon to decreasing moisture in the air—a consequence of climate change.
The study published yesterday in Science Advances points to satellite observations that revealed expanding vegetation worldwide during much of the 1980s and 1990s. But then, about 20 years ago, the trend stopped.
Since then, more than half of the world’s vegetated landscapes have been experiencing a “browning” trend, or decrease in plant growth, according to the authors.
Climate records suggest the declines are associated with a metric known as vapor pressure deficit—that’s the difference between the amount of moisture the air actually holds versus the maximum amount of moisture it could be holding. A high deficit is sometimes referred to as an atmospheric drought.
- Chelsea Harvey, E&E News/Scientific American, Aug 15, 2019
The effect is limited by time. Plants
18. Roy Spencers wildfire denial debunked:
19. Norske utslipp har ikke noe å si myten:
20. The Michael Shellenberger pro nuclear anti wind and solar diatribe debunked:
21. The Ian Plimer drivel debunked:
22. The Ice cube nonsense debunked:
23. The world is warming faster than the the whole world nonsense:
No, its not "the whole world", its the global average.
You think these headlines say "the whole world is warming 2x as fast as the whole world". But they don't say that.
"Everybody, it seems, is warming twice as fast as the average.
24. The world will end in 2050 nonsense was fake news created by an Australian think tank.
26. Enda et eksempel på hvordan den bedritne rasistiske neo-nazi propaganda-bloggen Resett lyver om vitenskap. La oss oppklare
Overskriften lyver. DE blander kortene.
Saken handler ikke om global oppvarming. Den handler om naturlige variasjoner i Barentshavet.
Dette kommer jo tydelig frem i saken fra Havforskningsinstituttet, i siste avsnitt, som Resett ikke gidder å nevne.
– Kjøligere hav er en naturlig variasjon
Havtemperaturene i Barentshavet varierer naturlig. Det vil si at temperaturene over tid går opp og ned.
– Det er velkjent at Barentshavet de siste 40 årene har blitt mye varmere. Men de siste årene har vi altså sett en nedgang, og det er en del av naturlige svingninger som alltid vil være til stede, sier Randi Ingvaldsen.
– Dette endrer ikke på at en gjennomgående global temperaturøkning hever temperaturkurven oppover, slik at både de høyeste og de laveste temperaturene generelt blir høyere enn tidligere.
vær kontra klima,
kortsiktige fenomener kontra langsiktige trender,
lokale målinger kontra globale gjennomsnitt.
Fokus på mindre unntak, og ignorerer det store bildet.
Lokale temperaturendringer kan variere markant fra det globale gjennomsnittet. En årsak til dette er at varmen beveger seg rundt med vind og havstrømmer, den varmer opp en region mens den kjøler en annen, men disse regionale effektene kan ikke forårsake en signifikant endring i den globale gjennomsnittstemperaturen.
En annen grunn er at lokal albedo, for eksempel endringer i snø eller vegetasjon, som påvirker hvordan en region reflekterer eller absorberer sollys, kan forårsake store lokale temperaturendringer som ikke speiles i det globale gjennomsnittet.
Naturlige havsykluser kan bare flytte varme rundt, som varmeveksling i havene eller fra hav til atmosfære. Men nå ser vi tilsetning av varme både i hav og atmosfære. Så tilsetningen av varme til energibudsjettet vi ser nå må komme fra et annet sted enn naturlige sykluser.
Hvis global oppvarming var forårsaket av intern variabilitet, ville vi forvente å se varmen blandes rundt klimasystemet uten nett oppbygging. I stedet observerer forskere at klimasystemet vårt akkumulerer varme.
Skip havner i trøbbel , ikke pga mere is, men pga mere is i bevegelse som følge av issmelting og at dette fører til at is bryter løs, et resultat av global oppvarming. (DEt er uansett ikke bevis imot global oppvarming at det er is i Arktis.)
"Climate-related changes in Arctic sea ice not only reduce its extent and thickness but also increase its mobility meaning that ice conditions are likely to become more variable and severe conditions such as these will occur more often."
As Arctic sea ice breaks up, it’s starting to move southward faster, creating new and unexpected hazards. More icebergs calving off Greenland add to the threat.
Did UN Official Say Nations Would Vanish If Global Warming Not Reversed by 2000?
In fact, his statement said nations would be under water at some time in the more distant future, “if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.” The scenarios in the papers cited by the AP described projections that went into the year 2100.
The actual 1990 IPCC report did get sea level rise projections correct.
In retrospect, the 1990 predictions of future sea level change seem rather bold, because the 1990 IPCC report also concludes that “the average rate of rise over the last 100 years has been 1.0-2.0 mm/yr” and that “there is no firm evidence of accelerations in sea level rise during this century”. Yet, the 1990 report’s projection of 2.0-7.3 mm/yr of average sea level rise from 1990-2030 (Figure 2), represents a prediction that sea level rise would accelerate almost immediately – and this acceleration actually happened! Indeed, three recent studies (Hay et al., 2015; Dangendorf et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2017) have confirmed sea level acceleration after about 1990.
Thus, the IPCC’s 1990 sea level projection did a remarkably good job for the first three decades of its prediction timetable, and the next 8 decades don’t seem so unreasonable as a result. What did the 1990 report do right? Here the 1990 IPCC report helps us again, by breaking down its projection into contributions from four factors: thermal expansion of the seawater due to warming, the melting of mountain glaciers, and changes in the mass of the great ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. The 1990 report makes predictions for the changes in sea level caused by these factors for a 45-year timeframe of 1985-2030, and I have plotted these predictions as a rate (in mm/yr) in Figure 4. Thermal expansion and deglaciation in mountainous areas were predicted to be the largest contributors. Greenland was predicted to contribute only slightly, and Antarctica was predicted to gain ice, resulting in a drop in sea level.
Den FN-funksjonæren som snakket med Associated Press var Noel Brown, regiondirektør for FNs miljøprogram, er ikke klimaforsker. Mens uttalelsen riktignok var alarmistisk, ble det full forvirring pga en svært upresis gjengivelse i media.
Associated Press-artikkelen skapte forvirring på to måter.
Først antydet den at uttalelsen innebar at nasjoner ville være under vann i år 2000. Men, det han sa var at at nasjoner ville være under vann på et tidspunkt i den fjernere fremtid "hvis den globale oppvarmingstrenden ikke er snudd innen år 2000. ” Scenariene i avisene som ble sitert av Associated Press beskrev fremskrivninger som gjalt år for 2100!!
For det andre sammenblander artikkelen uttalelser fra Brown ( som ikke representerte konsensussyn på den tiden,) med uttalelser fra flere studier som var mer representative for konsensus.
Hele greien er altså feilsiteringer og misforståelser skapt av media. Hvis vi går DIREKTE til vitenskapen ser vi at prediksjoner er rimelige og nøyaktige, til og med konservative. Enkelte gjør også dette til en dommedagsprofeti, noe det aldri var.
"Katastrofene har siden 2000 krevd 1,23 millioner menneskeliv og rammet 4,2 milliarder mennesker. FN beregner at det økonomiske tapet etter ødeleggelsene er på rundt 1 640 milliarder dollar."
Siden 2000 har katastrofehendelser kostet USA over 1000 milliarder dollar. Mens Kinas kostnader er på 482 milliarder dollar.
29. The atom bomb c14 nonsense.
Dette var overveiende et problem for trering / dendrochronology proxy. Imidlertid var det begrenset til treringer etter begynnelsen av kjernevåpenforsøk på overflaten; treeringdata er ikke nødvendig for temperaturrekonstruksjoner etter starten av overflatekjernevåpentesting fordi vi har overflatetemperaturdata, som er langt mer nøyaktig.
Forskjellige dateringsmetoder enn kulldatering brukes til temperaturproxy.
That was predominantly an issue for tree ring/dendrochronology proxies. However, it was limited to tree rings after the onset of surface nuclear weapon testing; tree ring data is not needed for temperature reconstructions after the onset of surface nuclear weapon testing because we have the surface temperature record, which is far more accurate.
Various dating methodologies other than carbon dating are used for temperature proxies.
On a related note, from 1945-2009 there were 2,402 surface and underground nuclear weapon tests. Of those, 527 were conducted above-ground. Of those, some 458 were conducted in the first 20 years of nuclear weapons testing.
Looking at those peak years of testing, the forcing from those 20 years of peak tests of the nuclear weapons on the Earth came to about one eight-millionth of a Watt per square meter (8 x 10-6 W m-2) of power.
For comparison, the 1.8 Watts per square meter (1.8 W m-2) of CO2 radiative forcing as of 2011 generates approximately twenty nine billion, trillion Joules of energy (29 x 1021 J) over the Earth's surface in a single year, or more than ten thousand times as much energy in a year than the entire combined nuclear weapons program of the world had generated in those 20 years.
- The carbon in the atmospheric CO2 contains information about its source, so that scientists can tell that fossil fuel emissions comprise the largest source of the increase since the pre-industrial era. The carbon from burning fossil fuels have a different isotope signal (radioactivity) than C02 coming from natural sources. Its like a fingerprint. It’s like DNA proof in a murder investigation.
30. Debunking av tulleboken til Gregory Wrightstone:
31. The dustbowl and 1930 US heatwave nonsense debunked:
The United States had its hottest summer on record this year, narrowly edging out the previous milestone that was set 85 years ago during the Dust Bowl.
Just a few days before Earth Day 2021, a Facebook post claimed to show climate change is a hoax based on two photos taken a century apart.
The post reads, "99 years of sea level rise — Palm Beach Sydney," and includes images labeled as being from 1917 and 2016. They show the water level at a similar point both years.
Det grønne skiftet er mulig, og i gang (universitetsavisa.no)
2000 TWh fossil energi kan derfor ersattes av rundt 500 TWh elektrisk energi.
Elektrisk er langt mer effektivt enn fossilt drivstoff så vi trenger bare ca 1/6 -1/7. En el-bil bruker 90% av energien til å få hjulene til å gå rundt, en fossil-bil klarer 25%.
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