onsdag 19. desember 2018

How we will be able to deal with climate change

Yes. Here is how:

“Meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement could save about a million lives a year worldwide by 2050 through reductions in air pollution alone”.

Health benefits far outweigh the costs of meeting climate change goals

Health benefits far outweigh the costs of meeting climate change goals

Renewable energy will be cheaper than fossil fuels by 2020 - The Pen

Going green is getting cheaper and cheaper:

Solar and wind power cheaper than fossil fuels for the first time


This is how coal dies — super cheap renewables plus battery storage

Saving the life of 600 000 children every year:

WHO says air pollution kills 600,000 children every year

The Other Reason to Shift away from Coal: Air Pollution That Kills Thousands Every Year

Since all the warming since 1950 is due to our C02 emissions, the obvious answer will be to reduce our carbon footprint ,which is now 45% of the atmosphere C02.

Use public transport and vote for politicians who are willing to facilitate for greener energy.

“Our only hope is to change the energy and transportation infrastructure of our society — for us to drive electric cars powered by clean energy sources like wind, solar, nuclear and hydropower. 
We must advocate for clean energy production at all levels — energy that doesn’t emit greenhouses gases — and especially vote in representatives who recognize the the threat of global warming and will do something about it at the state and national level.”

David Appell's answer to What is the main cause for global warming, and how can I help to stop it?

Five things you can do to fight climate change
1. Eat less meat, particularly beef
2. Consider your transportation
3. Insulate homes
4. Reduce, recycle, reuse
5. Vote

Five things you can do to fight climate change

If we are to reach the 2 C goal, emissions must begin to descend, and then sink rapidly for decades. That this will require a blend of renewable energy, efficiency, carbon capture and CO2 removal from the atmosphere, we can say without taking a strong political standpoint. But the concrete solutions become political. Do we choose to facilitate strong growth in solar power and a global carbon tax that will go beyond the fossil industry? Are we focusing on carbon capture and storage, which can extend the use of oil and gas? Do we have the capacity to do both, which will be even better for the climate, without going beyond the rest of society?

Researchers should not take these choices. However, their job is to help understand the consequences of them. The challenge for the dissemination is that the debate debate moves beyond the research front.

The scientific method is slow and thoughtful by nature. Are we supposed to say that we would like to have a few decades to consider every single measure? Or should we dare to guide, with the proviso that we speak out of the best of today's knowledge?

In my opinion, our social responsibility requires us to do more of the last than we do today.

More and more countries are preparing for the end of the Petroleum Age:

France - France to ban sales of petrol and diesel cars by 2040
The UK - Wants production of petrol and diesel cars to end by 2040
China - Beijing’s plan to stop producing petrol and diesel cars
The Netherlands - Confirms plan to ban new petrol and diesel cars by 2030
India - India to sell only electric cars by 2030
USA: - US on pace for record coal retirements in 2018, IEEFA finds

Many large car producers are already on the same track:

This is Toyota's plan to stop making gas and diesel cars
Tesla & Rivals May Kill The Petrol Car As Early As 2025
Opec faces a mortal threat from electric cars

And that’s just cars. Flying on Alternative Fuels.

Even Lego is abandoning petroleum:

Lego to stop producing petroleum-based plastic bricks

Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to How will we ever truly battle global warming when going green is only afforded by the wealthy?


MORE AND MORE OIL COMPANIES AGREES ON AGW AND WORKS TO REDUCE GAS EMISSIONS. Its over. Climate change skeptics have outlived their usefulness to the fossil fuel industry.

Climate deniers are like those japanese soldiers who was unaware that the war had ended 60 years ago.

GCI is a voluntary, CEO-led initiative which aims to lead the industry response to climate change. Launched in 2014, OGCI is currently made up of ten oil and gas companies that pool expert knowledge and collaborate on action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Going green is getting cheaper and cheaper:

Solar and wind power cheaper than fossil fuels for the first time


Renewable energy will be cheaper than fossil fuels by 2020 - The Pen

This is how coal dies — super cheap renewables plus battery storage

6 Myths About Renewable Energy, Busted!
In recent years the costs of wind and solar energy have declined substantially. Today renewable technologies are the most economical solution for new capacity in a growing number of countries and regions, and are typically the most economic solution for new grid-connected capacity where good resources are available.

• Citigroup: The age of renewable energy is beginning. Increasingly cost competitive with coal, gas and nuclear in the US. Source

• HSBC: Wind energy is now cost competitive with new-build coal capacity in India. Solar to reach parity around 2016-18. Source

• Deutsche Bank: solar now competitive without subsidies in at least 19 markets globally. In 2014 prices to decline further. Source

• Unsubsidised renewable energy is now cheaper than electricity from new coal and gas fired power plants in Australia. Source


1. reduction and ultimate elimination of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the energy sector;
2. reductions in air and water pollution, water use and land degradation;
3. reduction in respiratory diseases and cancers from pollution;
4. energy security for as long as human civilization exists;
5.a cap on energy costs, because most RE sources have no fuel costs;
6.more local jobs, per unit of energy generated, than fossil or nuclear power;
7. no risk of causing a nuclear war, or radioactive waste escape, or devastating accident.

Why 100% renewable energy is feasible – INSURGE intelligence – Medium

Saving the life of 600 000 children every year:

WHO says air pollution kills 600,000 children every year

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